Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 30, 2008

This is supposed to be written yesterday, but suddenly due to technical or watsoever eror happen,, I havent posted it.. Anyways,, This day we have watch a short film regarding some information about hardware and the two classification of hardware which is the input and output, the rule of processing done inside the computer and also the storage devices... While watching this film frankly speaking I feel kinda bored and I lost my focus because I was thinking about the assignment that I haven't done. Still I remain attentive and try to restore all the information and lesson that we have been discussing. After that he gave us an exercises to get the information of the computer that we are using and he included it in our assignment to be submitted tomorrow.When our Instructor announce that he will give us a quiz I feel nervous because I am not prepared for a quiz.. Suddenly we heared a loud riiiiinggg...That's why im very thankful that we have saved by the bell that time... hehehe...till here..

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